Sunday, July 19, 2009

House in Progress You wouldn't even believe. It was another LONG weekend at the house, with more wonderful helpers, and it's finally starting to look like a home. We're pretty close to wrapping up most of the projects we want to do before moving in, and will be mostly packing, cleaning, and moving stuff this week. And...I still have to paint our bedroom. Minor little detail. Anyway, here's what you came to see. Pictures.

Monster isn't fond of moving.

I lost my mind and painted Chris's Penn State man cave.

The bar.

The kitchen.

Other finished projects: family room is painted, den is painted, door to laundry is replaced, dead air conditioners are removed and the walls are patched, ugly kitchen light is replaced, hardwood floor for the family room is purchased (but not installed yet), some outlets replaced, holes in laundry room closed so Monster can't hide in them. Think that's it. A lot.

- Paint master
- Install floor
- Rehab chimney (mason coming next week)
- Replace roof (contractor coming next week)
- Ground electric (electrician theoretically starting sometime soon)
- Logo on bar wall
- Repair or replace washer
- Fix dining room ceiling where roof leaked
- Replace ceiling fans in master and kitchen (there was an incident with the ladder)
- Renovate the upstairs bathroom (currently demo's done...)

Only a couple things in the next month or two, right? Doh...

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