Friday, February 25, 2011

Chris's Big Moment and, of course, More Belly

Last night we mingled with engineering's Delaware.  Yes, it's slightly odd, but due to some weird requirements, Chris passed his PE in Delaware and is submitting for reciprocity in PA.  No worries, all will result in the same ultimate conclusion. 

I had planned on wearing the last remaining items that fit and were suit-like to this "business professional" event...and here's where it got tricky.  I got dressed a little close to the time I was to leave, noticing as I struggled to zip it up that we might have a problem.  However, when I got into the car and tried to sit down?  That was the last straw.  There was no way I was going to be able to breathe for 5 minutes much less the entire evening.  So...I scavanged.  Fortunately I found a black dress in my friend's maternity bin, and while it was a little casual for the event, I figured I'd be forgiven.  Here's a picture of what I WANTED to wear (when it still fit on my body last week)....but of course I didn't take a picture AT the event of what I ended up in.  Yes, I was 26 weeks pregnant in this picture, but I continue to carry almost exclusively in front of me, so you'd never know from this angle.

But even more importantly, here is a picture of Chris accepting his license.  I am so proud of him and so happy that he doesn't have to study any more! 

And, of course, here is where the belly currently is at.  I'm now 27 weeks, up 19 pounds (must...slow...down), and starting to feel quite large.  And we still have 3 months to go!  The Lion has been SUPER active recently, rarely taking a break to even breathe.  This is probably a good sign.  Oh, and, yes, as I had assumed, the lack of hearing from the doctor meant that I passed the glucose screening with flying colors.  So both the boy and I continue to be in perfect health.  Other than apparently I look like I haven't slept in a week.  I may be having some trouble on that front, just because of the Lion's activity and the severe heartburn.


  1. I think you look great. Although the tired thing does stink. You are certainly all belly though!

  2. YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! YAY for belly pics. That suit one looks like you're not even pg! And YAY FOR CHRIS!!!!!! CONGRATS! :)
