Thursday, January 27, 2011

Difference in Perspective

Here is my weekly snow post.  Really.  It's been a crazy season.  Yesterday we got somewhere around a foot I think?  Not sure.  What I am sure of, is that the dog LOVES it, Chris is starting to dread it, and I'm just glad he's still not making me shovel.  Though today I was in charge of clearing off the cars.  And they didn't look so much like cars.  More like mini-mountains of snow.  I suppose Chris completely has the raw end of the deal, though, as he plans on shovelling off the roof when he gets home.  I'm actually a little nervous about that one!

Here is where you can find Harper.  99% of the time.  Like right now.  She refuses to come in because she loves it so much.  We're actually getting a little concerned about frost-bitten paws, but I've tried every trick I can think of and can't catch her.

Early this morning.  Chris says we're not allowed to get more snow until drifts melt.  Shh...don't tell him we're expecting more this weekend.

And, me trying to prove I did something.  See?  Snowy mittens and wet jeans.  Gotta count for something.  ;)

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