Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Lion on the Move

The Lion is not quite crawling yet, but his rolling continues to be fast, and he has a new trick up his sleeve.  The purposeful army crawl.  Yes, we are starting to baby-proof the house as best we can.  All 4 stories of it.  UGH.  These stairs are going to kill us.  Or him.  Hopefully neither.  Needless to say, I now have to be even more on my toes since he is getting into EVERYTHING.  Evidence below.



  1. Your dog was freaking me out watching that video, he he he :) And GO ROBBY :)

  2. He's going to be booking it soon!

  3. Katy he is SO CUTE!!!! I love watching him. Isn't it amazing how enticing remotes and dogs are to babies?

  4. I cant believe hes crawling already!
