Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentine's Day

In theory, we were doing nothing.  It turned into something, but it wasn't supposed to be.  Saturday we used free passes to go to the Philly Art Museum.  Which, I actually was fairly disappointed by.  I suppose you see so many comments about it because of Rocky, rather than the actual collections.  If you're into furniture or Asian art?  They have that in spades.  I like pretty typical 1750- about 1900 European art, so it wasn't as overwhelming a collection.  Dutch is my favorite.  But I'll stick with my favorite art museum in the world being the Neue Pinakothek in Munich, Germany, which just coincidentally houses a collection ranging from 1700-1900.  Anyway, this trip DIDN'T turn out to be free because we forgot to get our parking validated.  $30!!!  Crazy.

Afterwards, Chris has been wanting a Black & Tan for the longest time, so we went to our local pub.  So classy and indulgent.  But totally what we wanted to do, so I thought it was perfect.  I had chicken tenders and french fries.  What EVERY Valentine's meal should be, right?

Later that night, I made Chris's favorite cookies (both chocolate and peanut butter chips) and my furry valentines tried to steal some of Chris's dough.  Obviously, there is no way that he'd ever let that happen.

We were supposed to be done.  But NOOOO, I got flowers delivered to my office yesterday.  They were beautiful, but unexpected, and Chris TOTALLY went back on our "no presents" deal. 

So I got him something.  Not much, but this IS the way to Chris's heart in case any of you needed to know.

Hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's day, too!

Also, you should check out Kat's one-year-bloggaversary give-away:  http://www.livinglikethekings.com/2011/02/1-year-bloggaversary-giveaway.html


  1. Thanks for the toy advise! I'm going to check it out. Hopefully Bungee won't destroy it!

    Sounds like you had a good valentine's even if it wasn't what you were planning for :)
