Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Perfect Mother's Day

Oh, ok.  My PERFECT mother's day would have also worked in a nap somewhere.  But other than that?  I loved today.

That's a size 2T t-shirt ya'll.  CHUNKER.

Robby let me sleep in until 7 am!  Thoroughly refreshed (or at least chipper), we got ready and went out to breakfast.  My request that we go to church didn't end up happening, but Robby was thrilled with the fancy food.  The kid ate an entire piece of french toast, some pancake, and juice all on his own.  He's destined to be a competitive eater.  I better stock up on mass quantities of hot dogs now.

Oh, did I never say he was walking?

He went down for a nap, and Chris and I washed cars.  Ok, I know, you're saying, "On Mother's Day?"  But Chris billed it as "an activity to do together", and we had fun.  Even if Harper and I got sprayed a few times.  ;)

Most of the day was pretty normal.  A long dog walk, a trip to Target, the grocery store, the bookstore...  I did indulge and stop at Dunkin Donuts for an iced coffee while we were walking, but really?  That was because Robby was napping again and we didn't want to wake him up.  The nice guy there gave me some munchkin doughnuts for Robby, but Chris ate them.  Shh...don't tell.

Chris indulged me by cooking (actually, all weekend!) and taking pictures of Robby and me.  I never feel like I have any. I do.  And I love them.

Harper must always be part of any photo shoot.  This was no exception.

He also gave me a fantastic present.  He made a canvas collage of pictures of Robby and me on Shutterfly.  I LOVE it.  

Really?  I couldn't have asked for a better day.  Hope yours was just as great.