Monday, November 17, 2014

Wait, I had a baby?

Oh, I know.  I'm terrible.  What's new.  Turns out that I had a baby 3 weeks ago.  We've been a little bit busy, though.  So, announcing:

8 lbs, 7 oz, 21"
12:01 pm, 10/26/2014

Maggie ended up being 3 days late, so I was getting a little frustrated, but she came exactly when I had predicted she would all along.  I'm good at that, right?  I called Robby, too.  I had always said that I would go into labor on October 25 during the Penn State/Ohio State game, just because it would annoy Chris.  And wouldn't you know?  I had been having contractions on and off for a couple weeks, but they hadn't really gone anywhere.  All they had done was scare us enough that I had started working from home a couple weeks ahead.  That went surprisingly well, though there was frustration with trying to train people remotely.  But that's a story I won't go into here.


So, I had been due on Thursday, and by Saturday, I was annoyed.  I had thrown up that morning, which was a sign with Robby, so I called up my mom, and we walked the 3 mile loop next to my house.  Nothing.  I tried to drink more fluids, since that was a problem last time, and chill out.  The game didn't start until 8, and by around half time, I was getting some pretty consistent contractions, but they weren't strong or painful enough.  And I had already gone through 3 minute apart contractions for hours the week before that I had even called the doctor about...that didn't turn into anything.  So, I took a shower, went back to watching the game.  Things seemed pretty uneventful, and after SUCH a crazy game that should have sent ANYONE into labor...I went to bed around midnight.  At 1:45 am, I woke up to my water breaking.  Poor Chris.  Two babies in a row he gets woken up at 2 am.

We called my mom to come over and watch Robby.  She, being similarly sleep deprived from watching the end of the game, had some trouble waking up, but made it over.  The contractions still were nothing, but we had to go in because I was GBS positive.  We arrived around 2:45, maybe?  I was still only at 1 and figured we were in for the long haul.  Around 7:30, the doctor arrived, and I was still at a 3, but he was going in for a couple c-sections, and said anyone on the hall that wanted epidurals could have them.  I was in.  And seemingly, I was a curse.  With Robby, the hospital had blown up and been insanely busy, and it happened again this time, too, even though we were at a different hospital.

There I was, not feeling a thing, the contractions had never really been bad, but figuring it would be awhile.  (Remember, Robby had been 32 hours of labor.)  They didn't really even check me much, because I assured them it would take forever.  At 11, they checked, and amazingly, I was at an 8.  The nurse said that she bet I would deliver before noon.  I thought she was crazy, but she turned out to be very close to right.  I was complete, and after FOUR MINUTES and only 2 contractions worth of pushing, delivered Miss Mags at 12:01 pm.  Easiest delivery ever.

Robby vs. Maggie

Maggie came out screaming, pink, and perfect.  9/9 apgar.  Everything proceeded so well that we were released the next day.  Then things got crazy.  Pretty much every human and animal in our house had major health issues (highlights: my gallbladder, Maggie's hand).  Maybe I'll discuss more later.  Our furnace had to be replaced.  Our well was off and had to be tested.  We sold a vehicle.  Etc, etc, etc.  The past 3 weeks have been crazy.  Thank goodness she has been a good kid so far.  Robby on the other hand...  Well, he loves his sister.  But, there's another post, as well.    

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pregnancy Update

In the never-ending saga of completely ignoring the blog, here is my first post in months.  Under the guise of actually doing a few different posts, I will limit this to a pregnancy update.  

Right now, I am 34.5 weeks.  That means that I could go into labor and they wouldn’t stop me.  Woo hoo!  Not that that would be preferable (except for my immediate comfort), but it’s a nice thing to note.  I will continue to admit that this has been a very easy pregnancy, but for the past 5 weeks or so it’s been pretty painful .  Not in any sort of problematic way, but lil girl has dropped, and it’s just getting toward the end.  

I’m starting to have more heartburn issues, as well, which has led to the same thing that happened with Robby…weight loss!  I’m hanging in there at around a 29 pound weight gain, so that makes me pretty happy.  We’ll see if I stay under 30 or not, which was my goal.  Even if I don’t, it shouldn’t be too dramatically different at this point.  

I really haven’t swollen this pregnancy, almost at all.  Just enough that I wear my rings on a chain, but generally I’m pretty good.  My feet have held pretty steady, too, and I’m in the same shoes as pre-preg.  I haven’t really been able to wear pants extensively in some time due to how low she is, so the maternity clothes are a bit different, but again, not dramatically.

This past weekend I had two horrible discoveries: my first stretch mark ever and my first grey hair.  I’ll call them related.  I suppose at 33 and my 2nd pregnancy, that’s not all that bad.  I just would like them to stop there.  That’s realistic, right?  

We’re in pretty good shape, in terms of preparation.  I’ve gotten most of the supplies, washed the clothes, decorated the nursery, all of that.  I have not packed a hospital bag, but I didn’t really until I was in labor last time, either.  

I’m still working full time, and terrifying my co-workers, as I have a 45 minute commute, and am over an hour from the hospital.  I intend to work until I go into labor, so that will be interesting.  I have promised to HIGHLY encourage going into labor the weekend before I am due, so if you see me out running...ha!  I have not really exercised in some time.

So, there ya go.  Quick-ish rundown.  Hopefully I’ll at least update when there’s a baby, right? I'm 35.5. Just going to post without lots of pics. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

On the Road Again

Since I'm on a train, here is your post. 

Robby is 3. In every sense of the word. He can be funny, smart, goofy, sweet...and an unholy terror. This morning, I had to leave at 5am and he got up to say goodbye, move to our bed to sleep with daddy, and then threw a gigantic tantrum when Chris tried to drop him at school later. It's the way it goes. 

NH trip
Cousin love
Lots of fairs
3rd bday

My pregnancy

That's the 24 week pic, but I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow. Generally, it's been a fantastic pregnancy. I'm still feeling really good. I was much less nauseous this round, so I've gained more weight, but still only at 19 lbs. It's ok. 

Going to the gym most days. 

And...we're having a girl!  No name yet. 

2nd pg where a basement flooded, we had to put in French drains, and remodel. At lest we're almost done. Chris has done a TON of work. 

Guess that's a quick rundown of 6 months. Ha!  Maybe I'll do better next time. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day +1

Because I have a moment, and who knows when that will next happen, I guess I should mention that we're expecting another little whirlwind October 23. 

That puts me at about 16.5 weeks. I have had a comparatively easy pregnancy this round and am doing well. I was sooooo sick with Robby and figured I was cursed, but was only mildly this time. Which contributed to...I have gained entirely too much weight. I've got to slow down or will really regret it. 

My cravings are very different. Biggest one is tomatoes. They were even an aversion last time!  I have to start slowing there, though, because my good friend heartburn is already back. 

Really the only struggle has been I threw my back out about a month ago and that was pretty awful for awhile. After many chiropractor visits, I'm doing well now, though. 

So, I'm pretty happy this Mother's Day, with my 1.5, and grateful as always for my wonderful mom, who is hanging out with her other grand-kid in progress. :)